Convert Youtube Video to PPT

Convert Youtube to PPT with a single click. Enter YouTube link and we will convert it to PPT for you for free.

enter youtube url.

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Enter Youtube link and we will convert it to PPT using AI

Whether you're a teacher elucidating a concept, or a student tasked with crafting a presentation for an assignment, YouTube serves as a rich repository of structured information. Utilizing the YouTube to PPT tool, you can effortlessly transform a YouTube video URL into a polished presentation.


Copy Youtube URL

Visit youtube and copy the URL of the video you want to convert to PPT


Enter the URL and Click Generate

Paste the URL in the box and click generate. We will convert the video to PPT for you.



Download the PPT and use it for your presentation.


Customise the PPT

Now you can Import the PPT to Google Slides or Powerpoint and customise it as per your needs.