Mastering Advanced English Grammar

Unlocking the Secrets to Reaching Higher English Proficiency Levels

Slide1: Ellipsis and Substitution

  • Ellipsis and substitution help avoid repetition and redundancy in sentences.
  • Start incorporating ellipsis and substitution to make your sentences more concise and advanced.
  • Example: "Are you a fan of romantic novels? If so, you will love this new release."

Slide2: Conditionals

  • Different levels of conditionals exist, with more advanced ones demonstrating higher English proficiency.
  • Learn and use advanced conditionals like mixed conditionals and alternative structures.
  • Example: "Had the measures been implemented earlier, the company would not be in such dire straits."

Slide3: Inversion

  • Inversion involves changing the usual word order to add emphasis or create a more advanced sentence structure.
  • Use inversion with phrases like "not only...but also" and adverbial phrases.
  • Example: "Not only is the film dull, but it is also derivative."

Slide4: Relative Clauses

  • Advanced English students use relative clauses to define, non-define, and reduce information in sentences.
  • Master the usage of relative clauses to make your sentences more advanced and cohesive.
  • Example: "The politician, who is clearly in favor of the initiative, makes a compelling case for an increase in funding."

Slide5: Cleft Sentences

  • Cleft sentences divide a sentence into two clauses to emphasize a specific aspect.
  • Use cleft sentences to add emphasis or create stylistic variations in your speech and writing.
  • Example: "It is the writing tasks that you need to practice."

Slide6: Subject-Verb Agreement

  • Subject-verb agreement is crucial for correct grammar, ensuring that the subject and verb match in number.
  • Avoid common mistakes by understanding and applying subject-verb agreement rules.
  • Example: "The goalkeeper, as well as his teammates, is responsible for the defeat."

Slide7: Reported Speech

  • Reported speech involves reporting what someone said without using their exact words.
  • Learn the rules for constructing reported speech sentences to accurately convey someone's words.
  • Example: "Derek asked Susan whether she had been to the beach that day."

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