The Romantic Movement: Rebellion, Passion, and Nature

Exploring the literature and ideals of the Romantic era

Slide1: Introduction

  • The Romantic Movement - an English problematic boom
  • Rebellion against the norms
  • The true meaning of 'romantic'
  • Inspired by the French revolution and industrial revolution

Slide2: Rebelling Against the Enlightenment

  • Contrasting the Enlightenment movement
  • The romantic's disdain for science, reason, and logic
  • Embracing powerful emotions and taking risks
  • Rejecting societal norms imposed by the elite

Slide3: Folklore and Natural Language

  • A preference for natural and spontaneous art
  • Rebellion against sophisticated, hard-to-read poetry
  • Drawing inspiration from folk stories and popular songs
  • William Blake and William Wordsworth as examples

Slide4: Shakespeare and Rebellion

  • Romantic admiration for Shakespeare
  • Breaking the rules of classical drama
  • Seeing Shakespeare as a champion of the individual
  • Mixing comedy and tragedy, royalty and ordinary people

Slide5: Gothic Fantasies and the Dark Side

  • Exploring gothic themes and supernatural elements
  • Inspiration from medieval times and darkness of humanity
  • Percy and Mary Shelley's connection to Gothic literature
  • Exploring dark and terrible forces through their writing

Slide6: Passionate Love and Sexual Freedom

  • Redefining the concept of love
  • Passionate and out-of-control love
  • Challenging societal views on sexual relationships
  • Exploring unconventional views on love, sex, and marriage

Slide7: Developing Individualism

  • The romantic movement's impact on personal identity
  • Teenage rebellion and the search for identity
  • Romantic poets as exemplars of living recklessly
  • Percy Shelley, John Keats, and Lord Byron as examples

Slide8: Nature as Inspiration and Rebellion

  • Romantic poets' discontent with industrialization
  • Celebrating nature and condemning industrialization
  • William Blake's poetry on the suffering of the poor
  • Inspiring awe and wonder in the natural world

Slide9: Conclusion

  • Summarize the key features and ideas of the romantic movement
  • The lasting impact on literature and societal norms
  • Reflecting on the influence of the romantic poets
  • Questioning how our lives might be affected by their works

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